Mental Health & Wellbeing

At Lakelands, we are committed to promoting the wellbeing and mental health of all of our students so that they are able to handle the challenges that life holds for them. We strive to ensure that all of our students feel happy and secure so that they can make the most of all of the opportunities they are given both inside and outside of school.

We educate our young people in the importance of mental health and wellbeing through PSHE sessions delivered by form tutors, assemblies and marking special events throughout the year such as Children’s Mental Health Week.

We also provide extra support for students who require it through our dedicated Health & Wellbeing Centre, where individual or small group interventions are provided by our Pastoral Team. These currently include:

  • Anger Management
  • Lego Therapy
  • ‘No Worries’
  • Understand and Preventing Self-Harm
  • Art Therapy

We also benefit from having a wide range of external partners who come in and work with our students who need extra support. These include:

  • Healthy Lives Advisor
  • School Counsellor
  • School Nurse
  • Youth Workers
  • School Chaplin
  • Young Carer Advisor

If you have an urgent concern regarding your son/daughter’s mental health (usually that the young person is at imminent risk to themselves or others), then please contact your GP for an appointment and request an urgent referral to BeeU (Shropshire’s Children and Families Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service).

If you are concerned about your child’s Mental Health and Wellbeing, there are some links on this page that you may find useful. This is not an exhaustive list but it will provide you with a starting point to seek additional advice and support.


The Lakelands Mental Health Team


Mental Health Support and Wellbeing in Shropshire