Pastoral Care

Lakelands Academy aims to provide an outstanding educational experience that is fully inclusive of all students, independent of their background, so that we add value to their lives both in terms of their academic performance and their social wellbeing, through a personalised approach that develops citizens who are able to make a valuable contribution to society and the community in which they live.

Lakelands Academy seeks to foster a caring community atmosphere, where all students are encouraged to develop their self-confidence and to show consideration for others. On admission to Lakelands Academy, each student is placed in a Tutor Group. The composition of each Tutor Group is balanced in terms of gender and ability levels. Additionally, where requested, we keep together groups of students from our smaller contributory primary schools.

In normal circumstances a Tutor Group will remain unchanged throughout the student's school career, and the Form Tutor will also, in most cases, remain responsible for the same form throughout their time at Lakelands. This encourages the development of a feeling of security and trust.

Form Tutors play an active role in matters such as student attendance, punctuality, conduct and dress, and are vital links in the lines of communication between school and home. They are prepared to offer students advice and support and monitor very closely their general progress. Thus, Form Tutors play a key role in the personal and social development of students in Lakelands Academy.

Any queries which parents have regarding their child/children should be addressed to the Form Tutors in the first instance, and then through the Pastoral Team. Please click here to view our staff list in order for you to contact the appropriate person. We always welcome contact with parents concerning any aspect of school provision.


Our pastoral team are supported in and around school by Lakelands Prefects 

Each year Lakelands Academy Students and staff vote for the Head Students, and Deputy Head Students. These appointments are assisted by a team of Duty Prefects and Pastoral Prefects.

Prefects have a key role throughout the school in ensuring a sense of wellbeing and security amongst students, representing the school at various functions both internally and externally, chairing school councils, assisting with discipline, and most importantly epitomising the Lakelands Academy Student.


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