Click here to view our Drama staff (Faculty of Creative Arts and Technology)
Drama at Lakelands is a creative blend of performance, exploration, technical design and imagination. As well as being able to pursue drama in lessons, students are also encouraged within opportunities to become involved in extracurricular activities such as the annual production. This is always met with enthusiasm and commitment which result in fantastic performances.
Drama encourages individuality and the development of many transferable skills for example communication and teamwork. Each student learns to take an active part in the group tasks. This encourages development of listening skills and problem solving. Strategies are in place to ensure that each student feels valued and safe. Everyone’s point of view is valid and each idea listened to. This environment encourages students to develop skills and to expand their comfort zone.
Course overview
In Year 7 Drama begins with an exciting investigation of ‘The School of Fear’ where students explore who is responsible for the strange goings on in their new school. Drama structures such as Still Image, Movement Sequence, Whole Group Role Play and Teacher in Role are some of the many learnt. Other themes and theatre traditions which are taught in year 7 include, Amadora (community), Rose Blanche (an alternative look at WWII), Kabuki, Harry Potter and The Cursed Child and Private Peaceful (adaptation of a novel).
In Year 8 students begin with an issue-based scheme of work based on Conflict. As well as building on drama structures learnt in Year 7 there is a focus on elements of drama including symbolism. The students go on to work on performance skills in particular Documentary Drama when focusing on ‘Rock Stars’. Other themes and theatre traditions covered in year 8 include Cyberbullying, Mental Health Awareness, Non-verbal Performance and The Gresford Disaster.
In Year 9 there is an expectation of more independent work. Two National Theatre plays are explored: The Stones and Slow Time. Both plays make comments on important issues facing young people as well as allowing our students access to the recorded productions. Other themes and theatre traditions explored in Year 9 include Identity, The Hillsborough Disaster and the development of both script and devising skills.
GCSE Drama is offered as an optional subject choice to KS4 students to study in Years 10 and 11.
In Year 10 students build on skills built in devising and script work as well as study a play text ready for the Component 3 written exam. Towards the end of year 10, students are invited on a trip to London where they have the opportunity to visit the V&A museum, watch a play in the West End, participate in a body percussion workshop and complete the trip with a workshop and tour at The Warner Brothers Studios.
Year 11 Drama students complete their devising project along with their portfolios. There is an option for the portfolios to be typed, audio recorded or a combination of both. The Autumn term is also spent preparing for the Component 2 Practical exam where each student prepares two extracts from a play script either for performance or as a designer. The final component is the written exam where the students answer questions as Performers, Directors, Designers and members of an Audience. There are a number of theatre trips throughout the two years to help prepare them for this.
Recent theatre visits for KS4 include; The Play that Goes Wrong, The Woman in Black and Wicked.
For more information
If you would like any further information about the Drama curriculum at Lakelands please click here to contact our Drama Teacher or to view the full EDEXCEL GCSE curriculum for Drama please click here.
Read Around The Curriculum