Information For Parents / Carers
Why does "Careers" Matter for your Young Person
"the law now requires that young people continue in education, employment (if it includes formal and approved training) or training until the age of 18.”
Participation of young people in education, employment or training – Statutory Guidance 2013. (This law came into effect to enable all young people to have the opportunity to reach better outcomes, gain more skills, and therefore have greater earning potential.)
In school, from year 7, we provide information and advice about pathways and routes available to your young person. This year already, they’ve received presentations from some of our local post 16 providers as well as apprenticeship providers. It is never too soon to start exploring what is available, this way, when they meet with me in my Careers Guidance Counsellor role, when they’re in year 11, they’re coming to me informed and with relevant questions that will really help their post 16 planning.
How Can I Help As A Parent/Carer?
This website is good at explaining the post 16 landscape for your young person
A good place to start is considering local Post 16 education and training providers. You can have a look at the following websites:
Apprenticeships – local training providers
From February Half Term, Mrs Wilkinson will share locally available apprenticeships via Form Tutors.
Shrewsbury College Apprenticeships
North Shropshire College Apprenticeships
ProVQ Apprentice – Shrewsbury
Short clip about different Post 16 pathways available to your child.
Live interaction and engaging visual content from businesses and inspiring individuals.
Interested in learning more? Watch this podcast here: