
Click here to view our Music staff (Faculty of Creative Arts and Technology)

The music department aims to create a stimulating, exciting and lively learning environment. All students are encouraged to fulfill their musical potential as far as possible. A broad and balanced range of learning activities are offered, providing a wide variety of challenges, which are carefully matched to the needs of individual students. They will experience music from different cultures, such as Africa, India and Latin America, alongside traditional Western Classical, Jazz and Popular music.

Arrangements can be made for instrumental lessons. All players are encouraged to join school ensembles, concerts and outside venues, often for charity.

Lakelands Academy stages annually, large scale musicals providing many opportunities for group, choir and solo singing parts plus to provide musical accompaniment as part of the school band. Recent productions have included School of Rock, The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe, The Wizard of Oz, The Little Shop of Horrors, Matilda, Hairspray, Grease, Bugsy Malone, West side Story, Sweeney Todd, Oliver and Joseph and his Technicolor dream coat.

We encourage initiative and self confidence in our students and seek to maintain and forge new links with Primary Schools and Colleges through joint ventures such as concerts, workshops, community projects and with local businesses through sponsorship and charity work.

We have responded to restrictions over the last couple of years by curating virtual events such as video concerts and virtual bands for the students to either take part in or to simply enrich their musical experience during what has been a difficult time.


Course overview

Students in Year 7 begin their musical journey by exploring their voice, the keyboard and the core elements of music. These skills and knowledge are built upon and put to the test when focusing on Music for a storyline. Other themes and musical traditions that are taught in Year 7 include World Music, Listening and Performance practice.

Performance practice is also an integral part of Year 8 Music with Reggae, Improvisation, Hooks and Riff and How Music Fits Into Our Lives being key areas for exploring and building on musical skills and interests.

These skills are further built upon in Year 9 Music where students begin by focusing on Minimalism. Further projects include; Music for Occasions, Film and Games, Lyricism, Hip Hop and An Introduction to The Music Industry.

Eduqas Perfoming Arts: Music has recently been introduced for our Year 10 and 11 students. This exciting new venture allows students to explore the following areas; Performing, Creating and Performing Arts In Practice.


For more information

If you would like any further information about the Music curriculum at Lakelands Academy or to arrange further voice or instrumental lessons, please click here to contact our Music Teacher.

For more details about the music BTEC curriculum please click here.

Read Around The Curriculum