
Lakelands Academy provides secondary education for students from a wide area of North Shropshire. We have an admission number of 116 for the Year 6 intake going into Year 7. As an Academy we are our own admission authority but we comply with the policy operated by Shropshire Local Authority (LA).

Full details of the policy, together with information about arrangements for admission, are set out in the "Parents' Guide to Education in Shropshire". To go to the Shropshire Council Website and obtain a copy of this document please click here. Copies of this booklet are also held here at Lakelands for the reference of interested parents, in local libraries and are available on request from the Admissions Team, Shropshire Council, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY26ND.

Parents of Year 6 children living in Shropshire will be required in the autumn term prior to the school year of transfer from primary to secondary education, to complete an LA application form stating preferences for up to three schools. The closing date for applications will be 31st October and allocation letters will be sent to parents of Year 6 children during the first week of the following March. If there are more applications for places than are available within the admission limit, then a system of priority is used.

To view these criteria and other details of Lakelands Admissions policy please click on the links below:

Lakelands Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Lakelands Admissions Policy 2025-2026


Admission priority is based on:

  • Residence in catchment area
  • Sibling connection
  • Proximity of home address to school
  • Medical circumstances or Statement of Special Educational Needs
  • Children living outside catchment area but have attended primary school within catchment area for more than a whole academic year immediately prior to transfer

Parents are advised to read the "Parents Guide" for details of the process administered by the Local Authority. Any specific requests for information on admissions should be directed to the Admissions Team on Tel: 01743 254331. 

Appeals Timetable

Click here for information about the timetable for admission appeals.

Contact details for Office of the Schools Adjudicator are:



Post: OSA, Bishopsgate House, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QE

Kettlemere Centre Admissions

The Kettlemere Centre is a specialist provision for secondary age children with special educational needs (SEN) in the area of Communication and Interaction.

Students accessing the Centre will have either a Statement of SEN or an EHCP and will have found accessing the curriculum within a mainstream setting to be highly challenging.

To obtain a placement at the Kettlemere Centre a referral will need to be made to the Local Authority SEN Team following discussion with the SENCo at the child’s annual review. Following receipt of the referral, further advice might be requested to support the consultation. If, considering the evidence, it is deemed to be a suitable placement the case will be referred to the Special Schools Placement Panel where a decision will be made.

If you consider a placement at the Kettlemere Centre may be appropriate for your son/daughter and you would like to discuss this further, or arrange a visit, contact Julie Metcalf (Operational Lead) on 01691 622543 or email

Further information is available on the Shropshire Council website.

We feel the very best way to see Lakelands Academy is to come and see us.

Lakelands Academy welcomes visits from parents and students at any time, offering personalised tours designed to provide an insight into 'life at Lakelands' and show you all Lakelands Academy has to offer. Please contact us for more information.

Applications from 1 September 2024

From 1 September 2024. Shropshire Council will be coordinating and allocating all requests for places at our school.

If you wish to apply for a place at our school, please complete the online application form via this link – Synergy - Homepage (

Your application will be processed by the School Admissions Team at Shropshire Council in accordance with our school’s oversubscription criteria. You will then be notified via letter of the outcome of your application.

Rarely, Lakelands Academy may refuse to admit a child where there are places available on the grounds that admission of such a student would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources in any year group.


As a school we are very proud of the way the students present themselves. At Lakelands we feel school uniform is a very important part of our ethos. To see full details of the Lakelands uniform please click here. Many items of school uniform and PE kit are available from School Shop Direct. Other items of uniform are widely available in local shops.



Arrangements are made to provide transport to those students who are living within our catchment area, but further than 3 miles from the school, through the LA (forms are available from your child's primary school, or from Lakelands Academy reception). In addition there is a  private provision of a coach between Oswestry and Ellesmere. This coach picks up pupils along its route including Oswestry, Park Hall, Whittington, Hindford and Frankton. For further details of these transport routes and how to apply for a seat,  please contact us.