
Click here to view the staff in our Faculty of Mathematics

Mathematics is a wonderful subject which underpins many other disciplines. Within this faculty we aim to give the strongest mathematical grounding whilst showing students just how fascinating and interesting mathematics can be.

We use a wide variety different stimulus in the teaching of the subject in order to promote an atmosphere that encourages positive attitudes to learning, enjoyment of mathematical activity and the sharing of understanding with others.

All teachers are encouraged to teach the subject through an interactive and investigative manner that challenges students of all abilities to make rapid progress, although some basic concepts may be taught using more traditional methods. We aim to develop students' abilities as independent problem solvers prepared for the challenges encountered in later life.


Course overview

Year 7 and 8 students are taught in sets most suitable to their ability based on information from primary schools and an initial assessment once they have settled into secondary school. Whole year group progress is measured by Key Stage 3 exams 3 times per year, and individual staff set 1 or 2 assessments per half term to monitor more closely the progress on the content covered.

The Scheme of work for Years 7 and 8 is currently being updated to take into account the new KS2 course and to start early preparations for the new mathematics GCSE.

Year 9, 10 and 11 students follow a 3 year course preparing them for GCSE. They study the Pearson scheme and take the GCSE examination at the end of year 11. Students in the top two sets study for the Higher tier exam whilst the remainder of the cohort study Foundation tier, those who perform well in the mocks at GCSE are given the opportunity to take Higher.

Student's progress is monitored by taking past GCSE papers throughout years 10 and 11, and also through unit assessments throughout the course, usually 2 per half term.


For more information

If you require any further information about the Maths curriculum at Lakelands please click here to contact the Faculty Leader for Maths.


Read Around The Curriculum