
Click here to view our Science staff (Faculty of Science and Physical Education)

It is our aim to provide our students with a science education that not only gives the knowledge and skills required to excel at GCSE but that will also lay solid foundations for A Level, through the use of varied teaching strategies such as modelling, group work, investigations, discussions and debate.

For any further information regarding this subject please click here to contact the Faculty Leader.

Course Overview

In Key Stage 3 (Years 7 - 9) we aim to develop a sense of awe, wonder and curiosity about Science. Students are encouraged to develop a deeper understanding of scientific ideas, using scientific enquiry to answer and explain questions.


Year 7

Throughout Year 7, 12 units, listed below are taught within mixed ability groups, each integrating scientific knowledge, investigation, and literacy skills:

  • Acids and Alkalis

  • Body Systems

  • Cells

  • Elements, Atoms and Compounds

  • Forces

  • Light

  • Particles and their behaviour's

  • Reactions

  • Reproduction

  • Sound

  • Space

  • Working Scientifically


Year 8

In Year 8, students are taught in groups, set broadly by ability. We aim to build upon foundations developed in year 7. Students are encouraged to further their investigative skills. We also expand the use of specialist vocabulary and extend writing skills within these topics:

  • Atoms and Elements

  • Compound

  • Ecological relationships

  • Food

  • Heating and cooling

  • Light

  • Magnets and electromagnets

  • Microbes and disease

  • Respiration

  • Rock Cycle

  • Rocks and weathering

  • Sound


Year 9

Students begin GCSE topics in year 9 and will cover 3 in each subject area.

The aim of year 9 is to build upon the skills learnt at KS3 and begin to upskill by taking the GCSE topic areas and focusing on all the necessary techniques required to make candidates successful in a busier GCSE schedule in year 10 and 11. All students are taught to a triple science level to ensure when options are chosen they can access all the options available to them.

Assessments are made on Required practicals and End of Unit tests with feedback given to allow students to improve their areas of weakness.


GCSE for Years 10 & 11

There are 3 options available regarding the GCSE choices of science pathway at Lakelands academy.








Entry Level Certificate

Trilogy Combined Sciences

Triple Science

A small group of students will complete an Entry Level Certificate alongside Foundation Combined Science GCSE, giving them an extra qualification.

Most Students will study Trilogy Combined Science (Core Science) GCSE in year 10 and Additional Science GCSE in Year 11.

Students still study all 3 sciences. They have 6 exams at the end of year 11, consisting of 2 Biology, 2 Chemistry and 2 Physics.

Some students will opt for Triple Science.

Biology, Chemistry and Physics are taught as separate GCSEs. The course includes aspect not covered on the Trilogy combined Science course.


These will then all add up to give 2 GCSEs overall.


If you require any further information about the Science curriculum at Lakelands please click here to contact the Faculty Leader for Science.